1·In the gulf, and elsewhere, demand for arable land is growing, while supply is shrinking.
2·That's about 1.4 percent above the minimum requirement for arable land, says the ministry.
3·A feld was not necessarily ground broken for arable, but any open country in the almost all-covering fifth-century forest.
4·The livestock sector is already eligible for carbon finance, but we have made no such progress for arable agriculture and soils.
5·Just 25 per cent of the country's land is suitable for crop growing, most of which is already occupied by arable fields.
6·These social and environmental processes are stressing the world's arable lands and pastures essential for the provision of food and water and quality air.
7·But the stimulus plan calls for construction on nearly three times as much arable land this year and next year as can be readily brought into cultivation elsewhere.
8·The rise in farmland prices coincides with an improving outlook for farm profitability with arable farmers in particular benefiting from the rise in commodity prices.
9·Some Chinese commentators say the line has already been crossed: some land registered as arable is in fact being used for non-agricultural purposes.
10·Time to go exploring for metals and arable land to grow wheat, soybeans, rice.